Leslie Huddart L.Ac.

BWA In-Person Workshop Details

General Guidance

Please reserve your spot at a chosen upcoming in-person event here, this site gives general information on how to prepare for our in-person events.

Flight Timing

Booking flights–We provide information on the closest airport to your chosen in-person destination. We advise you to book flights ahead of time (1-2 months out at least) to get the best flight prices.

Our event timing is very intentional and we will be doing significant work together up until 1pm on Sunday.

This is not like a corporate conference where popping out an hour or two early is insignificant. It really affects the group. Please ensure that your travel arrangements allow you to be present from Thursday at 7pm until Sunday at 1pm.

Depending on your preference, it is likely very do-able to not have to rent a car if you’re comfortable with taking Lyft to and from the airport.


Each event space is different in terms of food offerings. However, consistently, we will have significant snacks including protein throughout the retreat. Here is a sample list of what we provide*:


Dark chocolate



Nut butter

Gluten free crackers

Mini muffins

Herbal and green tea

* All snacks will be gluten free

* This is a guideline and not an exact guarantee of what we will have, selection varies slightly from time to time, but we aim to make it significant.

Please check the event details for your chosen date for details on meals during the course of the in-person.


The space has some comfort supplies for a day of sitting including chairs . If you need anything specific like a special pillow support etc. please bring it with you.

Bring layers and warm socks or slippers to keep comfortable.

Cell Phone Usage

You’ll be asked to put your phones on silent and use the breaks to check in if you need to. Any voice conversations can be done outside or in a separate area.


We hope these travel lists help you get ready for the weekend with us. Use these checklists to make sure you are ready to go and ensure you have everything you need.

Travel Prep List

1- Book arrival/flight

2- If desired, book rental car (you can likely go without)

3- Save the event location address to your Phone/Write it down too

3- Download Lyft or Uber (we think Lyft is a more conscientious, positive company than Uber)

4- Determine transportation from airport to lodging

5- Please email us at support@thebodywisdomacademy.com with your flight itinerary so we know when you’re arriving.

Packing List

1- Body Wisdom Academy* Binder*, guidebook*, and notes* (* all of these BWA learning materials are optional depending on your learning style and what you like to have with you)

2- Favorite pen

3- Notebook (optional)

- We will have blank and lined paper as well as any additional handouts you’ll need.

5- Favorite snacks if you have something specific you want

6- Water bottle

7- Comfortable clothes (yoga pants, fuzzy socks, sweatshirts, sweaters, etc.)

8- Layers. Indoor to outdoor, morning to evening. Be prepared for air conditioning.

9- Sun protection.

10- Phone charger


We will likely have some aspect of video or photo taking during the weekend. Some of these images may appear in print publications, a promotional video or other marketing purposes.

We included this in the Enrollment Agreement that you signed when starting the program. If you have any concerns about this, please let us know.

Thank you for all your support :)

Group Stuff

People are often nervous about this group component of the training beforehand. What I’ve seen over and over again, is that it turns out to be one of the things they treasure the most about this training and a place where they make some true soul-companion friends. If you’re feeling nervous, please reach out via the event circle or by e-mail so we can chat and support you in your process.

Xo, Leslie


Holistic Health Coach

"I had tried therapy for over 10 years with no huge life-changing results...​

I finally, for the first time, feel free from life long issues that were holding me back."​

Christine Nguyen​

"Leslie is a true healer ... no one else can do what she does."​


"Leslie is amazing. She has helped me with several issues. During my sessions with her I felt as though the molecules of my cells were being transformed.

She has a great deal of knowledge about various healing modalities. She has a gentle and welcoming presence.

I have often referred my own clients to her. She has a special and intuitive gift. "

(c) Leslie Huddart L.Ac. and Soul Body Health LLc.

Disclaimer: This program is not intended to be a substitute for professional mental health or counseling services. No practitioner-patient relationship is established and the training content is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and nothing here is intended to diagnose, cure or treat any disorders.